Bankrunis a framework for writingvery fastSolanaandAnchortests. However, it doesn't work natively with SPL token. This package bridges the gap, allowing you to easily manipulate SPL tokens from your Bankrun tests. Example import*asanchorfrom"@project-serum/anchor";import*astokenfrom"@solana/sp...
solana系列第2集: SPL-token及相关指令, 视频播放量 494、弹幕量 0、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 15、转发人数 1, 视频作者 一百万退休计划, 作者简介 远程 + 英语 + web3 = 自由,相关视频:solana系列第1集:从链上获取数据,Solana系列第4集: 发送交易1.0(人工发
typescriptsolanaspl-token UpdatedAug 3, 2022 TypeScript i-sanyam/airdrop-zerocoinn Star0 Code Issues Pull requests Airdrop ZEROCOINNs web3solanaspl-tokenairdrop-crypto UpdatedSep 18, 2023 CSS whistledev411/Solana-Token-Freezer Star4 Code
SPL Token Bankrun Bankrun is a framework for writing very fast Solana and Anchor tests. However, it doesn't work natively with SPL token. This package bridges the gap, allowing you to easily manipulate SPL tokens from your Bankrun tests. Example import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anc...
1.选择代币 首先,我们进入GTokenTool 批量转账页面,然后连接钱包后,选择“Token”,输入你需要批量转账的代币 支持SPL Token 2022手续费类型的代币 2.输入钱包地址 选择“批量Sol”,在输入框中输入要空投的地址以及数量,用英文逗号隔开(最多不超过20个地址) ...
cd program-executor/token/jsInstall the dependencies: yarn installBuild the library: yarn buildBuild the on-chain programs: yarn test:build-programsRun the tests: yarn testRun the example: yarn exampleReadme KeywordsnonePackage Sidebar Install npm i @bbachain/spl-token Repository
TOKEN CREATOR Fee payer* Sign using external wallet ✓ Switch to manual input Mint authority* Derive public key from external wallet Freeze authority Derive public key from external wallet. You can leave this empty if you don't want to set a freeze authority Decimals* Create new token ...
请确保将YOUR_SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY、YOUR_RECEIVER_PUBLIC_KEY和YOUR_TOKEN_MINT_ADDRESS替换为实际的私钥、接收者公钥和Token合约地址。此外,还需要确保TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID是Solana链上Token程序的正确ID。 以上步骤和代码片段应该能够帮助你在Solana链上使用Web3.js进行SPL Token的转账操作。
SPL Token:Solana上应用Token,类似ERC20的概念 转账失败 Solana 链上的任何交易都需要消耗一定的 SOL 作为手续费 ,请保证钱包内有一定数量的 SOL当出现热点事件,节点访问量过大,可能出现 SOL 余额读取失败,上链失败的情况,可通过切换节点(我– 设置 – 节点设置 – Solana)或稍后再次进行转账;您还可以在网页链接...