SPL是Structured Process Language的缩写,也可指Second Program Loader(二级程序加载器)、Sound Pressure Level(声压级)或软件产品线(Software Product Line)。 SPL的常见含义及全称 SPL是一个多义词,其含义和全称在不同的领域和上下文中有所不同。在计算机技术和编程领域,SPL通常...
在项目管理中,SPL通常指的是“Software Product Line”(软件产品线)。SPL的核心概念是,通过管理和复用软件产品的核心资产,来实现高效的软件开发。这意味着,项目团队可以通过预先定义和管理一系列核心组件和功能模块,来快速构建和定制多种软件产品。这样的管理方式不仅能够显著提升开发效率,还能降低开发成本,并提高产品的...
在项目管理中,SPL通常指的是Software Product Line(软件产品线)、Service Pack Level(服务包级别)、Scrum Product Owner(Scrum产品负责人)。其中,软件产品线(SPL)是一个非常重要的概念。软件产品线是一组共享共同、一致管理特性的软件系统,它们在满足特定市场需求或任务需求方面具有差异。通过共享和复用核心资产,软件产...
英文名称:software product line 软件产品线旨在针对特定领域中具有公共特性的软系统。通过抓住领域共性和可变性,构建一系列领域核心资产,从而使得特定的软件产品能够在这些资产上快速、高效地构建。软件产品线工程包括领域工程、应用系统工程和产品线管理三个方面。领域工程是核心部分,是领域核心资产的生产阶段...
Software product lines (SPL) are a development paradigm focused on reducing costs through improved organization productivity and enhanced process quality. After careful analysis of existing SPL development methods, we noted that most of them do not provide a sound answer to some typical concerns - e...
SPL可以代表多种意思,具体取决于所处的上下文。以下是一些可能的含义:1. 声音压力级(Sound Pressure Level):用于表示声音的强度的单位,通常用分贝(dB)来表示。2. 软件产品线(Software Product Line):指的是一系列基于共享基础结构和可复用组件的软件产品。3. 规划生育局(State Population ...
Software product line (SPL) is a set of software systems that share a common set of features satisfying the specific needs of a particular market segment. A feature represents an increment in functionality relevant to some stakeholders. SPLs commonly use a feature model to capture and document co...
Software Product Line (SPL) is an emerging approach to satisfy the ever-increasing customization demands by reusing commonalities and variability's. Variability - aware design patterns can leverage SPL configuration management and evolution of new products. Design pattern is a blueprint or model solutio...
Context. Software Product Lines (SPL) engineering is increasingly being applied to handle variability in industrial software systems. Problem. The research community has pointed out a series of benefits which modularity brings to software composition, a key aspect in SPL engineering. However, in practi...
SPLStructured Product Labeling SPLSpiral SPLSenior Patrol Leader(Boy Scouts of America) SPLSound Performance Lab SPLSoftware-PC (Personal Computer) Labeling SPLSpooler SPLSt. Paul's Lutheran(church; various locations) SPLSchiphol SPLSamsung Printer Language ...