Some people admitted to keeping it off the samples because they don’t want to face it too often on the ladder. There seems to be enough support for its inclusion now though, so I mention this for it to be a part of recorded DPP history. I would also like to see some of the SPL...
脚金属梯子1 - 脚步: 金属梯子; 爬上(Foot_MetalLadder1 - Footstep: Metal Ladder; Climb) 19000音效库 / 脚步声(Footsteps) / Misc 脚(Misc-Foot) / 金属梯子(MetalLadder) 人群恐慌的尖叫声环2 - 人群: 恐慌,尖叫声; 回路(Crowd_Panic_Scream_Loop2 - Crowd: Panic and Scream; Loop) 19000音效库...