3.1.1 调控根系发育 SPL转录因子能调控根系的分生区和根冠发育.Bar- rera-Rojas等(2020)研究发现, 当拟南芥AtSPL10表 达受到抑制时, 可以通过调节细胞分裂素(cytokinin, CTK) 途径来调控根系分生组织的活性 . Shao 等 (2019)研究表明, 水稻OsSPL3和OsSPL12参与植株 根冠生长的调节过程, 其中, OsSPL3与靶...
摘要:SPL(SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE)基因编码植物所特有的转录因子,其家族成员多包含miR156结合位点,在转录后水平受到miR156的负调控。SPL能够参与植物发育阶段转变、花发育、胁迫响应、根发育、形态建成等多种生物学过程,随着技术的发展,关于SPL功能的研究逐渐深入。本研究主要从SPL参与调控花发育、响应...
Micro-RNA-Regulated SQUAMOSA-PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) Gene Expression and Cytokinin Accumulation Distinguish Early-Developing Male and Female Inflorescences in Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis)doi:10.3390/plants11050685GENE expressionSEX differentiation (Embryology)...
Cytokinin oxidase regulates rice grain production. Science 2005; 309:741–745. Article CAS Google Scholar Wu Y, Wang Y, Mi X, et al. The QTL GNP1 encodes GA20ox1, which increases grain number and yield by increasing cytokinin activity in rice panicle meristems. PLoS Genet 2016; 12:e...
Z. armatum is an economically valued crop known for its rich aroma and medicinal properties. This study identified 45 members of the SQUAMOSA-PROMOTER BIND
[8–13]. Other studies indicate that SPLs participate in copper homeostasis, cytokinin response, and the biosynthesis of anthocyanin, terpene, carotenoid, and lignin [14–19]. These results suggest that SPLs are a group of functionally diverse transcription factors, which is consistent with SPLs ...
Other studies indicate that SPLs participate in copper homeostasis, cytokinin response, and the biosynthesis of anthocyanin, terpene, carotenoid, and lignin [14–19]. These results suggest that SPLs are a group of functionally diverse transcription factors, which is consistent with SPLs representing a...
A Cytokinin-Activating Enzyme Promotes Tuber Formation in Tomato SummaryBackground Dedicated storage organs in the form of tubers are evolutionary novelties that share a common function but originate in diverse species f... Tamar,Eviatar-Ribak,and,... - 《Current Biology》 被引量: 80发表: 2013...
miR156-targeted SPL10 controls Arabidopsis root meristem activity and root-derived de novo shoot regeneration via cytokinin responses. J. Exp. Bot. 2020, 71, 934–950. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Gou, J.Y.; Felippes, F.F.; Liu, C.J.; Weigel, D.; Wang, J.W. Negative regulation ...
miR156-targeted SPL10 controls Arabidopsis root meristem activity and root-derived de novo shoot regeneration via cytokinin responses. J. Exp. Bot. 2020, 71, 934–950. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Gou, J.Y.; Felippes, F.F.; Liu, C.J.; Weigel, D.; Wang, J.W. Negative regulation ...