喷火交响乐团 (Spitfire Symphony Orchestra) 受到世界上最好的作曲家的推崇,提供完整的交响乐体验,包括弦乐合奏、铜管乐器、木管乐器、独奏、竖琴、钢琴和完整的打击乐部分。这些黄金标准的声音在 AIR Studios 的 Lyndhurst Hall 以惊人的细节录制,由杰出的音乐家演奏,为无数 AAA 电影、游戏和电视配乐增光添彩。👉...
https://youtu.be/s0Gacn4k5LQ?si=DWLpJ7whz5fD2O2h Spitfire Symphony Orchestra Solo Strings Update [Walkthrough]-Spitfire Audio We know how much you love the Spitfire Symphony Orchestra library, so we’ve taken it to the next level 🎻 We had the pleasure of recording three top soloists ...
Includes Kontakt Player (free download) Compatible with NKS Spitfire Audio App required All-in-one orchestra 800+ articulations Performance legato patches Kontakt Player Listen to Spitfire Symphony Orchestra Ikigia — Andy Blaney 0:00 NaN:NaN Demo featuring new Solo Strings update BONOBO — Andy...
Spitfire Audio is a British music technology company, founded in 2007 by composers Christian Henson and Paul Thomson, producing high-quality virtual instruments and sample libraries.
Originals Orchestra是使用管弦乐库进行创作的完美起点。它由五个基本库组成,包括弦乐、铜管、木管、打击乐、Pad和钢琴,可以快速创造电影质感配乐、丰富的声音作品和现代声音作品。无论你是初级作曲家,还是希望提高电影管弦配乐技能的资深制作人、音色收藏家,都适合使用。 Originals系列库中,四个是在伦敦AIR工作室的混响...
Pizzicato swarm Short pizzicato Short spiccato Short swarm 1 Short swarm 2 Short swarm harmonics Spiccato sul pont Tenuto CS tasto swarm Tenuto swarm Tenuto trem swarm Whisper swarm Woods high Air swarm Clari whisper swarm Combo swarm Flute whisper swarm ...
自从Spitfire Audio 在 AIR Studios 录制他们的 Spitfire Symphony Orchestra(简称 SSO)系列以来,已经过去了将近十年,自 2017 年首次发布以来,它仍然是世界各地作曲家中非常受欢迎的选择。该公司现在已将原音色库与打击乐、钢琴和竖琴产品(Spitfire Percussion、Spitfire Harp、Orchestral Grand 和 Masse)合并到了一个包...
世界领先的音效和高品质采样库制作商 Spitfire Audio 重新推出Spitfire Symphony Orchestra (SSO),这是一款包罗万象的管弦乐工具包,添加了打击乐、竖琴和钢琴,并以全新的价格出售,其中包括重新设计的连音编程、由 Andrew Blaney 演奏的乐曲、启发灵感的精选合奏音色等。
Spitfire Audio’s free music-making tool lets you experiment with the sounds of the BBC Symphony Orchestra Designed to help anyone write music for animation or film projects, the BBCSO Discover plug-in, designed with Ustwo, was created by recording an orchestra one note at a time....
Spitfire Audio 推出 Abbey Road Orchestra 交响弦乐音源 Spitfire Audio 表示,他们的 Abbey Road Orchestra 系列代表了有史以来最详尽的采样库,迄今为止包括三个打击乐版本(金属、贝斯和高音)以及第一小提琴和大提琴版本。该系列的最新成员刚刚公布,包括新的第二小提琴、中提琴和贝斯提琴库,并将整个弦乐部分合并...