I spitted blood in saliva today.. I don't have cough. Last month when i vommited there was also blood in ... Read More Blood when clearing throat with water 25695 Views When i clear my throat from water then in i found small amount blo...
A little while ago, I was driving a car down State Highway 1 and I was howling. Actually howling, snotty tears and all. Then I’d pull over for a bit, recover myself, move off again, and then something would catch in my throat. Then I’d be howling again. Such car-cocooned mom...
on account of my husband's blood. 319 00:15:44,709 --> 00:15:46,641 And the innocent blood 320 00:15:46,643 --> 00:15:48,944 of my dear brother, Stanley! 321 00:15:48,946 --> 00:15:51,816 And my cousin, Andy. 322 00:15:52,684 --> 00:15:53,685 ...
Recent technology has lead togreat advancesin the medical realm of saliva screening. Doctors can now use a small vial of your spit to diagnose autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, HIV, oral cancer, periodontal diseases, and much more. Unlike drawing blood, it is non-invasive ...
Reload, released on Nov. 18, 1997, was the second set of songs from theLoadsessions. This time, Serrano made the cover fromPiss and Blood. This album debuted at No. 1, as well. Metallica ReleaseGarage Inc.(1998) Elektra Records
Comfrey got to his feet, coughing, then bent overto spit outa mouthful of blood. Comfrey si rimise in piedi tossendo, poi si chino' persputareuna boccata di sangue. Literature After three tries, I’m ableto spit outthe word: “But—” ...
dob, harákol, visszaöklendezik是“spit up"到 匈牙利文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:[ coughs ] She's spitting up blood. ↔ Vért köhög fel. spit up verb 语法 (transitive and intransitive, especially of children) To regurgitate or vomit. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-匈牙利文字典 dob...
I could taste blood in my mouth and I felt compelled to spit it out. Podía saborear la sangre en mi boca y me sentí obligado a escupirla. Literature Later on, it gets difficult to spit it out. Pero luego es difícil de escupir. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The sixth starts to move...
The militant drumline that divides “The Blister Exists” is like the eye of the storm. On all sides, a frightening swirl of viscera fills the space serenity can’t on this eleventh-hour ‘Subliminal Verses’ single. Writ in bones, burns and blood, the brutal tune fleshes out the uncanny...