Desktop PFT device for spirometry, fully automatic lung volumes & single breath diffusing capacity (DLCO) testing in as litt15-20 minutes.
Pulmonary Function Testing 肺功能发展简史 肺功能发展已有300余年历史,从水封式——楔型式——滚筒式肺计量——电子计算机配合 1679年——BORELLI首先进行肺容量测定 1846年——HUTCHINSON提出肺活量概念 1919年——NIANSTROHL提出用力肺活量[FVC] 1967年——DOLLFUSS提出小气道疾病概念和小气道功能特点 1979年——美国胸...
肺功能检测spirometry PulmonaryFunctionTesting Huangzhi-hong黄志宏Departmentofinternalmedicineofthe1staffiliatedhospitalofJinanUniversityE-mail:doctorhuangzhh@sohu.com 黄志宏 肺功能发展简史 肺功能发展已有300余年历史,从水封式——楔型式——滚筒式肺计量——电子计算机配合1679年——...
1. Take time to create a rapport with the patient—effective communication and participation between the patient and medical professional results in more consistent and robust testing results. 2. Accurately measure the patient’s height. 3. Carefully and correctly enter the patient data into the spi...
1.4 ± 0.6%, P < 0.001); 5) no significant differences in DLCO and FOT results. Conclusions In smokers with borderline spirometry, CPET and second-line pulmonary function tests may detect obstructive pattern. These subjects should be referred for second line testing, to obtain a diagnosis, or...
While pulmonary function testing (PFT) is typically performed as part of a heart transplant evaluation, little is known regarding the prognostic utility of PFTs for outcomes after transplantation. We evaluated whether PFT parameters correlated with survival, length of stay, or time on ventilator ...
Dyspnoea and an interstitial pattern on chest X-ray were associated with impaired lung function. Death during the period of review was significantly related to initial impairment of the DLCO. Sixty-six patients (53 women and 13 men) underwent repeat spirometry at least 1 year after initial ...
In pulmonary function testing, a reduced diffusing capacity (DLCO) is well recognized as a strong risk predictor of mortality in PAH. Whether expiratory flow analysis with spirometry associates with outcome is unclear. Objectives The objective of this study was to assess spirometry as a predictor ...
demonstrated that an isolated reduction in FEV3/FVC, with normal FEV1/FVC, was associated with greater degrees of hyperinflation (higher RV and TLC), air trapping (RV/TLC ratio), and loss of diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) compared to those with normal FEV3/FVC ...