Spiritualism and Religion 作者:de Laurence, L. W. 页数:16 定价:$ 11.71 ISBN:9781163017265 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐
spiritualism inReligion topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English spir‧i‧tual‧is‧m/ˈspɪrətʃʊlɪzəm/noun[uncountable]the belief that dead people are able to sendmessagesto living people—spiritualistnoun[countable] ...
Thus, when Conan Doyle's hero —named Hope —kills off the Mormons [and Conan Doyle's inves- tigation of the Mormon Church], the spirits of Hope's loved ones appeared to him to reveal the "true" religion. Such symbolism under- lies Conan Doyle's acceptance of spiritualism over Mormon...
的;materialism唯物义;religion宗教 ;secularism 俗 义;atheism不 ,无 论;spiritual精上的;superstition迷;metaphysical形而上 的,纯粹哲 的,超自然的; 英语例句库 19 纪美国的招魂说和灵媒 ; spiritualism and mediumship in 19th century America; 声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审...
What are the factors that determine the destination for thespiritual self? SinceI AMspirit. Hence,I AMsimilar to penetrative energy Qi. Therefore, I AM the ALL, since I AM the energy. I AM in everywhere, since I AM the energy.
OriginallypublishedbyScience and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum, 02.07.2017, under the terms of a
Spiritual healing has been a principle of Spiritualism since its establishment as a religion. However, it differs from faith healing in that the patient need have no faith in the treatment. Faith healers also claim instant cures, while in Spiritual healing the cures are rarely instantaneous. ...
doi:10.36739/WEJSS.2019.V8.I2.27Mahesh Prasad BhattWest East Institute LLC
Related topics:Religion spir·i·tual·is·m/ˈspɪrətʃʊlɪzəm/noun[uncountableU] RRthe belief that dead people are able to send messages to living people招魂说,降灵说〔认为死人可以向活人传递信息〕 —spiritualistnoun[countableC] ...
4.any doctrine (in philosophy, religion, etc) that prefers the spiritual to the material 5.the condition or quality of being spiritual ˈspiritualistn ˌspirituaˈlisticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...