I was in my late twenties living with my husband for seven years. I knew somethi... Joe Is this website defunct now? There have been no experiences posted since 2018... Ania I was thinking something good and important because I was going through things a... Craig...
Discover what different parts of our body mean in the world of spirituality. See how things like our hands, ears, feet or eyes can have important meanings you
In Gnan Vidhi, you gain the knowledge of the Self, ‘I am a Pure Soul that is permanent, and how all the other things in this body are temporary and separate from me.’ After Gnanvidhi, Aatma-Gnani gives you five principles, which help you protect the right understanding and the awa...
a definition of spiritual enlightenment or spiritual awakening is hard to pin down. this is, in part, because these terms have been used in so many ways to describe so many things, similar to the way in which "love" is used to describe everything from a preference for ice cream to a ...
Looking back at it now, I realize that we created a disposable society for ourselves. New things were good; old things were bad. Things were built not to last but to use a little and throw away. The present was what mattered to us. Instant gratification; buy on credit; get it now; ...
Spray eachetheric waterfour to six times per day or as needed, in the mouth and around the head and body. They are also highly effective treatments for animals, plants, and buildings. blessthebody.com Spiritual Remedies will transform your life and the lives of those around you. ...
You envision great possibilities for your future and have high hopes for the direction you are headed or more faith that things will fall into place, even without a set plan. To help you at this time, there is your inspiration! Of course, the details will eventually need more attention. ...
With this position, we need to loosen the grasp we have on the things and people around us and open ourselves up to our soul’s need for transformation, change, and regeneration. We may experience difficulties in partnerships because we tend to be blind to others’ values and worth, expecti...
Physical partnership and collaboration:Dreaming of domesticated geese, or geese as pets, may represent strong bonds with a loved one or a successful collaboration with a partner. Your hard work is paying off, and will come with good things!
Saint Anthony is said to help ion the return of lost things and missing people. Length of Run Select a Candle Report Method Select What We Do With Candle Glass Petition type your petition, prayer, or desire here (200 char. max) Saint Barbara CandleSet On Our Altar Saint Barbara aids thos...