Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.Hebrews 4:12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.Jeremiah 17:9The heart is ...
Breaking spiritual strongholds Breaking occult spells +protection Spiritual armor & weapons [2|3|4] Sword of the spirit - Bible [2]3]Demonic possession [2]Demonic influence [2]Demonic attacks [2]Casting out demons [2] Binding and loosing [2]3]4]5] Binding the strong man [2]3]Confusion...
Through prayer, we coordinate our attacks against enemy strongholds with the command and goals of God, so that enemy strongholds are destroyed, deceptions are laid bare, and people are freed. If you want to be victorious on the field of battle, do not neglect the power of messaging God thro...
Is It Scriptural to Pull Down Strongholds? What Is True Biblical Warfare? Kenneth E. Hagin’s book The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness is a comprehensive biblical study on the subject of demonology. Rev. Hagin builds a thorough study from the Scriptures on the orig...
Breaking spiritual strongholds Breaking occult spells +protection Spiritual armor & weapons[2|3|4] Sword of the spirit - Bible[2]3] Demonic possession[2] Demonic influence[2] Demonic attacks[2] Casting out demons[2] Binding and loosing[2]3]4]5] ...
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not [cc]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being rea...
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. –2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Therefore God has highly exalted him and...
Name(Required) FirstLast Email(Required) Phone(Required) Company Name(Required) I am interested in learning more about:(Required) A free Business Priorities Assessment (if we qualify)Building a Cash CowImproving Quality of Life for a business ownerOther ...
#strongholds #occult #falsereligion #demonic #seeing #hearing #spiritual 文件 原始记录 (汽车) 纯文本 (TXT) 本系列的更多内容 Spiritual Warfare 136 布道 下一个 以前的 添加评论 只有用户才能发表评论。 登入|创建账户|了解更多 SA 聚光灯 Paperback Bible ...
Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. / We demolish arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.Colossians 1:13He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the ...