Looking for affordable Yoga and Meditation in Rishikesh. Join Spiritual Life Homes and enjoy Spiritual Retreat in India from a team of expert yogis.
On this profound spiritual retreat you will immerse yourself in an atmosphere of deep understanding and spiritual awakening. You will learn how to listen to the "still small voice" of God within. You will learn how to use that profound inner connection to heal yourself and to heal others. Yo...
Nominal story of heroine Zoe, a NYC avant garde theater director, visiting a weird, New Age retreat, is hardly Oscar-worthy, but at least there is a story here, and actual acting/dialogue scenes. I could well imagine sitting through this one in a theater like in the old days, admittedly...
Nominal story of heroine Zoe, a NYC avant garde theater director, visiting a weird, New Age retreat, is hardly Oscar-worthy, but at least there is a story here, and actual acting/dialogue scenes. I could well imagine sitting through this one in a theater like in the old days, ...
Step outside your conventional roles, and have some“metime” Find a spiritualconnection Realize once again what istruly importantfor you Experiencepeace, stillness, and be ready for anew beginning The purpose of a meditation retreat is very different from just going on a vacation or going to ...
Save this event: THE JOURNEY: Weekend Retreat, spiritual and psychological focusShare this event: THE JOURNEY: Weekend Retreat, spiritual and psychological focus I want spiritual awakening, just not alone in Fairfield! 21 Day Meditation Sat, Jan 25 • 5:45 PM Online - Zoom FreeSave this ...
2. 21 Days Fasting Spiritual Retreat, Portal Parvati Brazil Located in a gorgeous place in Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais, the Portal Pravati is heaven among the mountains. A simple set up but a very profound and rich experience, the 21 days fasting retreat is very challenging and ...
After going on many spiritual related groups in Meetup, I found that they all lacked a social side and that's why I'm starting a supper club.A supper club is an informal way to get to know people round a table whilst eating home cooked food in someone’s
[expand title=”Read more”]I am very glad that you are publishing these inspiring and beautifully designed books. These treasures have been with me for many years and are always a good guide. I like to browse them and always find something new. Keep it up! Your loving work is a real...
After a six-day retreat, they were allowed to make their profession along with their cook, a meek and mild woman named Guiseppa Alberici. They wore simple black gowns with no veil. But there any resemblance to a nun’s life ended. Not only did Tondini and Calza engage in loud and ...