our spiritual readings service offers the opportunity to receive life guidance through the powerful metu neter and i ching oracle systems, facilitated by the esteemed high priest shekhem ä sih aqaqa ba. whether you are seeking insight into major life goals, direction, relationships, career, or...
Additionally, you can ring the bell at the beginning of doing spell work, tarot readings, or divination to welcome in positive spirits and energies. Incense When burned, incense is a fragrant material that emits smoke and fragrance. It can be utilized for many different things, including ...
New Orleans Sky (original oil) Price$97.00 Add to Cart Tarot Readings Price$45.00 Add to Cart Reiki Sessions Price$65.00 Add to Cart LOUIE JOSEPH My name is Louie Joseph. I am an Houngan Asogwe, a Reiki Master, an intuitive tarot reader, an educator, and an artist. I was initiated in...