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, in one-on-one satsang sessions either in person or over the phone. he is the author of several books, including the free spiritual poetry ebook on this page, and a more general free spiritual ebook, living from the heart . more information about mentoring sessions with nirmala and ...
In that case, while we might not want to discourage such reading entirely (say for light relief or relaxation) such readers might be educationally encouraged to balance this diet with other works that address more seriously significant human concerns. And, of course, in the case wherein someone...
Brainwave entrainment is good stuff I am a huge fan of brainwave entrainment. (And, as a side note, I think I'd been reading that term for years before I realized it wasn't the word "entertainment" but actually "entrainment.") Brainwave entrainment uses what are... ...
Best spiritual books Karma and Reincarnation World religions Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values Also available on kindle I read this for the first time when I was just 13. The whole family was reading it. Many of our hikes (we were on a walking holiday) we...
Many people, from spiritual teachers to religious figures or even plain motivators, have expressed insightful quotes and we try to archive them here for your reading pleasure. Add thelatest stories feedto your homepage Latest comments Read morecomments ...
The Alchemist has sold over two million copies, and is considered a modern classic. Readers say that it is engaging and worth reading more than once. 5.The Road Less Traveledby M. Scott Peck Check Price on Amazon|Check out the Audiobook ...
There are so many people I know who are in need of healing who might be open to reading and relating to this book. I have already recommended it far and wide.” –D. K. “This book takes you to the classroom where the Beautiful Soul who was also the man called Jesus teaches those...
Continue Reading The Possibility Acceleration Formula: A Science-Based Path to Manifesting Your Dreams Using the Science-Based Process of Manifesting Your Dreams The Pain of an Alta Major Chakra That Is Uncleared & Unhealed A Meditation for Activating Your Alta Major Chakra...
But my real passion is reading books both fiction and non-fiction. I have several favorite authors like James Redfield or Daniel Keyes. If I read a book I always want to find the best part of it, every book has its unique value.