Similar to the Spirit Guide Bypass, the Prayer Bypass circumvents personal responsibility by putting faith in a higher being to solve all of our problems and issues. Whilepraying can be a healthy practice, it can easily become limiting and misguided. Sinking too much into passivity is an imbala...
Spiritual Protection “To begin to connect with and activate our innateSpiritual Immune System, the first step is comprehending everything is conscious energy and intelligent, and nothing that happens is random.Inorganicand unnatural energy is defined as that which exists as an artificial structure to...
Romans 1:26 –For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Read Also: Prayer To Overcome The Flesh Overcoming Lustful Desires The only thing I crave, hunger, and thirst after is You Jehovah Nissi. Almighty ...
This phase of David’s life, marked by evasion and survival, was punctuated by daring escapes, deep friendships, such as his covenant with Jonathan, Saul’s son, and moments of profound reliance on God for protection and guidance. After Saul’s death, David’s ascent to the throne was nei...
One night during Mother Cabrini’s voyage back to New York, the ship’s engine malfunctioned, forcing it to halt for repairs. Awakened by the fog horns, she quickly dressed and comforted the frightened Sisters, spending the remainder of the night in prayer. Come morning, she discovered that ...
Then she studied New Thought and metaphysics for another 22 years. Since 1970 Dr. Shumsky has taught yoga, meditation, prayer, and intuition to thousands of students in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Far East. Dr. Shumsky has presented about 500 speaking engagements and over 500 ...
I learned about this power of prayer when I worked at a gift store in a busy shopping mall.I was scheduled to be the only clerk for an entire Saturday. And it was only my second day on the job! On the bus ride into the city, I prayed - sought a calm sense of God's control ...
“investigative equipment”, I carried a small case that contained my “Spiritual Protection” and House clearing supplies. In this case, I had items such as Sage, candles, rosary beads, holy water, salt, cards that had the “Micheal the archangel” protection prayers printed on them for my...
Leave the judging to God, for He who judges others will also be judged. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. – Philippians 4:6 God always listens to your prayer… We just need to be patient for the answer. Trust God, and He will lead you in the right ...
This site and particularly the FAQ section (coming soon), were partly created due to the large response from people who contact Laura and the amount of time it takes for her to reply. Laura can be contacted to prayerfully consider requests to perhaps speak in your venue, conference or churc...