defence of it against the pagans, the Gnostics, and especially the Marcionites, was to point only tothespiritual meaning. 旧约是他完整的错误,谎言和亵渎,据信而言,他的防御的异教徒的Gnostics,尤其是Marcion ites它是指向只精神意义。
The meaning of UNSPIRITUAL is not of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : not concerned with religious values : not spiritual. How to use unspiritual in a sentence.
Thus, for example, the already mentioned Epic of Gilgamesh is not (at least primarily) a literary exploration of human character, but a narrative that raises profound (philosophical) questions about the very meaning of human existence, invoking supernatural entities and forces to explain or suggest...
1749, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of spiritualism was in 1749 See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries Near spiritualism spiritual director spiritualism spirituality See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Spiritualism.” Merri...
Ingeborg, G. (2000). Giving meaning to work: the spiritual challenge of our time. Institute for Social Ethics. University of the Vienna. Retrieved 6 July 2000 from the World Wide Web, Gabriel: »Giving meaning to work. The spiritual ...
A Simple Life Is More Desirable Than a Life of Extravagance, Vanity & Show Spiritual Courage – The Boldness which Believes in the Truth and Dares to Practice It Mother Mirra | Only the Courageous Can Give Courage to Others (6/6)
Temporal aspects, on the other hand, refer to the material, secular, and time-bound facets of existence, focusing on physical needs, societal structures, and the immediate, tangible aspects of life. 6 The spiritual realm is often associated with the quest for meaning beyond the physical world,...
She encouraged all the Sisters to embrace this same trust, telling them, “None of us will fail if we leave everything in the hands of God. Under Him, the question of possible and impossible ceases to have any meaning.” It quickly became clear to the nuns at Codogno that they could ...
Every individual is unique in their personal experiences and spiritual sensations. Meaning there is no “one-way” …. “one-path” …“one-formula” …“one-religion” the only “one-thing” is the individual and their work on themselves alone. Measured only by their inner spiritual sensation...
the meaning or definition of advaita, oneness or nonduality advaita is the teaching of nonduality, which has become best known in the west through the nondual spiritual teachings of the revered indian saint, ramana maharshi. he taught that self-realization , or the realization of the oneness ...