a newfound ease of life:48 "We disinherited women are only too inclined to abstract from the ma- chine and accept handicrafts as pure mechanical accomplishments, we can only imagine appreciating the work and the meaning of crafts for the mind and spirit of the woman before the machine era. ...
Profession without love, is but "a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal;" unmeaning noise to others; unprofiting to him that makes it. Love is of God. It is that precious ointment that is poured forth from the Father of love upon the head of our spiritual Aaron, and runs down to the...
I define it as proudly claiming your erotic self andmindfully channeling sexual energy. You never use it to hurt, manipulate, make conquests, or get addicted to the ego trip of sensual pleasure at the expense of others. This is bad karma. Nor do you allow others to harm or disrespect you...