‘I am aware there is an acceptance of things such as Harry Potter amongst many churches. Many well-meaning believers unawares of what it can usher in, like spell casting, ouija boards, seances, etc, especially to children, or those who are more vulnerable, or more open to occult temptatio...
Much more eloquent tributes than mine have poured in from all over the world since President Carter’s death, but I have a personal memory in addition to all of his remarkable accomplishments. Jimmy Carter was the first presidential candidate I ever voted for who actually won the election. In...
Seeking meaning and hope: self-reported spiritual and exis- tential needs among an ethnically-diverse cancer pa- tient population. Psychooncology 1999;8:378e385.MOADEL A, MORGAN C, FATONE A, GRENNAN J, CARTER J, LARUFFA G, SKUMMY A, DUTCHER J. Seeking meaning and hope: Self-reported ...
Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you ...
of “matrix,” or “metric,” because the fundamental meaning of the root mā is to “measure,” and so it works in this sort of way. I was talking about our world being wiggly. You know, something like this [Watts draws a wiggly line; see fig. 1]. That is the typical sort of...
Although the name of James Arminius is still maligned, few have matched him in scholarship and sainthood. In contrast to the rigid dogmatism that so often accompanies those who contend for the faith, Wesley cautioned, “It is the duty of every Arminian preacher, first, never in public or ...
Written languages were reserved for the powerful, the wealthy, and the high-castes. There was no writing or reading based on the common language. THE GURMUKHI ALPHABET "The meaning of the Word-Sound is not what is important. It is the effect of the Word-Sound that matters." -- Hari ...
CarterAlbertGiaAlbertLaruffaAlbertAnneAlbertSkummyAlbertandAlbertJaniceAlbertDutcherAlbertMoadel A, Morgan C, Fatone A, Grennan J, Carter J, Laruffa G. Seeking meaning and hope: Self-reported spiritual and existential needs among an ethnically-diverse cancer patient population. PsychoOncology 1999;8:...
(de Brito Sena et al. 2021 pp. 3, 8). Most of these are related to connectedness and meaning of life. On closer inspection of the 24 ”spirituality dimensions”, it becomes clear that the numbers of these can be realistically grouped as the major themes and related subthemes of ...
of “matrix,” or “metric,” because the fundamental meaning of the root mā is to “measure,” and so it works in this sort of way. I was talking about our world being wiggly. You know, something like this [Watts draws a wiggly line; see fig. 1]. That is the typical sort of...