Scientist using the Kepple Telescope, have found in our habitual Galaxy 11 billion possible planets that are like ours.. meaning one,s that could have similar life forms as the odds are there are other humanoid life Multidimensional existences ...
‘I am aware there is an acceptance of things such as Harry Potter amongst many churches. Many well-meaning believers unawares of what it can usher in, like spell casting, ouija boards, seances, etc, especially to children, or those who are more vulnerable, or more open to occult temptatio...
“Spirit (or Consciousness) and Matter are, however, to be regarded, not as independent realities, but as the two facets or aspects of the Absolute (Parabrahm), which constitute the basis of conditioned Being whether subjective or objective. . . . Just as pre-Cosmic Ideation is the root o...
She encouraged all the Sisters to embrace this same trust, telling them, “None of us will fail if we leave everything in the hands of God. Under Him, the question of possible and impossible ceases to have any meaning.” It quickly became clear to the nuns at Codogno that they could ...
[name]Elias[/name]: both love [name]Galileo[/name]: or possibly Galilei GIRLS: Miralai(nn [name]Mira[/name]): a family name, way back on my family tree. “Mir” means peace. I love Miralai [name]Elizabeth[/name]. Corellia(nn [name]Cora[/name]): very special meaning to us, ...
A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire. ~ Thomas Merton Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning. Real valu...
the Source—that vast presence the Shaivite tradition sometimes calls the Heart. The yoga tradition often describes Absolute Reality assatchidananda—meaning that it is pure beingness, present everywhere and in everything(sat),that it is innately conscious(chit),and that it is the essence of joy...
Although the name of James Arminius is still maligned, few have matched him in scholarship and sainthood. In contrast to the rigid dogmatism that so often accompanies those who contend for the faith, Wesley cautioned, “It is the duty of every Arminian preacher, first, never in public or ...
andtheriseofvisual phenomenonincontemporaryculture,theliteraturefromthe innermeaningtoexternalformsarechanged,suchasliterature, paymoreattentiontovisualandconsumption,andstrengthen themarriageofTVandtheInternet,letthemovieliterature, networkliteratureandothernewmemberstojointhelarge familyofliterature.Ontheotherhand,in...
With this statement, I might suggest the interpretation of “Jews”, as meaning descendants of the Abrahamic/Semitic lineage and tradition, which according to Julius Evola is a broader class of people than just “the Jews”: The term ‘Semitic,’ as everyone knows, has a broader connotation ...