Discussions about Crystals and Gemstones, their meaning and uses What crystals are you... byStrandedSnowMonkey 06-01-202509:27 PM 3,40935,187 Death & The Afterlife(6 Viewing) Discussions about death, the after life, heaven etc. Would we have any reason to... ...
material body, they feel, satisfies a universal longing for the embellishment of its intangible counterpart, namely the human spirit. Indeed, rarely is a traditional Indian ornament simply decorative and devoid of inherent meaning or symbolic
“Spirit (or Consciousness) and Matter are, however, to be regarded, not as independent realities, but as the two facets or aspects of the Absolute (Parabrahm), which constitute the basis of conditioned Being whether subjective or objective. . . . Just as pre-Cosmic Ideation is the root o...
I must not claim the original meaning of each emblem and cere monial rite explained in detail, much to tbe as tonishment of many present. Both operative and speculative forms of Masonry were clearly illustrated, and shown to bo firmly founded on science mathematics and celestial maoha...
Mysticism gives man a vision of this spirit which stands beyond and behind the passing the flux of immediate things, the spirit which is a remote possibility and yet the greatest of the present facts, the spirit that gives meaning to the transient and yet eludes apprehension, the spirit ...
All these inner experiences bring self-confidence and an enlightened vision of the meaning of one's own life. This connection will open you to the magic of the city and its solar temples. Early in the morning we will take the train ride to the village of Aguas Calientes. We will then...
Considering the possible literal and metaphorical meaning of the two Revelation verses, the 'great and high mountain' could be interpreted as the ancient sacred pyramidal 'temple' mound of Silbury Hill (Fig. 8), less than 1/2 a mile away from where the most recognizable symbol of the Phi...