When a person begins to approach the meaning of the letters, he feels how they are playing in him. And then he reads them differently. He is no longer in a hurry because each letter evokes a resonance, a reaction in him. In such a way, he gradually begins to feel what the text wan...
In Jewish tradition, the name for the creator of heaven and earth is written with a dash instead of the vowel "o" because the word is so sacred that it is never pronounced. In the Tanach, reference to the Almighty is made using 4 letters of the Hebrew alphabet: Yud Hay Vav He (co...
Book reviewsNonfictionYogaJewish life & ethicsHealth educationThe article reviews the book "Aleph-Bet Yoga: Embodying the Hebrew Letters for Physical and Spiritual Well-Being," by Steven A. Rapp.Rosen, Richardyoga studies
I was diagnosed ten years ago with peripheral neuropathy which causes numbness in my feet and legs, meaning my sense of balance leaves a lot to be desired. My physical therapist has taught me some things that help in coping with my impaired balance. There are basically two senses that send...
Tiie an there Avill bo no demolition of life, either of nor man can seo its fml meaning, but ultimate a ship upon a mighty sea, tossed and torn, with quish, the spirit forever longs for in a spiritual cient thought of angels d^cending to the earth beast, ordrird, or man. ...
Myrtle Has Meaning Our Name "Myrtle", hadas, הֲדַס in Hebrew, is a flowering tree native to Israel. The Hebrew letters are: Hey - "behold; reveal", Dalet - "pathway to enter", and Samech - "to support". We feel this is a beautiful representation of our ministry ...
Biblical meaning of 444 What does the number 4 mean prophetically?. Numberfouris the number of the cross. There are four letters in God’s name:JHVH There are four rivers flowing out from Eden. Genesis 2:10Pishon – Gihon – Tigris – Euphrates ...
242 The proper name Satan (which is not used here) is a transliteration of the Hebrew word satan meaning "adversary," and in the Bible, in a very special sense, the enemy of God, simply "Satan, the Enemy."243 The word diabolos is used synonymously with satan in Revelation 2:9-10 ...
One could readily sense the spiritual damage the Anti-Christ would sow among man. I even dwelt upon a past Anti-Christ that existed 2,000 years ago. He became the most hated, reviled and despised human being in history. The entire thought of Anti-Christ and it's meaning was overpowering...
(Lashon Hakodesh) Hebrewis a unique language in that it was the instrument with which the Creator fashioned the creation. Thus the DNA, the blueprint, of the created universe, exists within the letters and words of the (Torah) Five Books of Moses. Consequently a word inLashon Hakodeshnot...