Dream interpretation can be complex, especially for those not in tune with their intuition or inner voice. You can consult a professional psychic and ask them for a psychic reading if you wish to learn more about the meaning of your dreams....
Do you see the repeating angel number 333? Find out the symbolism and spiritual meaning of 333 and what this means to you and your life.
The eyes of a cat is powerful to magnetize spiritual problems to people. Perhaps, you ‘re reading this kind of message for the first time. I believe this deep spiritual meaning of cat dream will expose you. It is also very important to understand the evil effects of this dream so that...
In unison, all these cultural insights I have spoken about paint a vivid picture of the spiritual significance of dreaming of flying. Dreams can inspire and transform you --- by revealing the complexity of human psychology and spirituality. It is for this reason that I believe the spiritual m...
[Read more about the meaning of Ascension] Ascension changes are occuring on all levels of your being. During the ascension process changes are occuring on all levels of your being. Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. As one shifts in vibrational frequency, and ...
This time, as I bent to the floor to join the others in this ritual, tears fell on the carpet and my heart felt as if it would burst. The English translation for the words to the prayer we say as we do the prostrations echoed in my mind with new meaning: ...
This woman was simply cultivating her body's internal wind in advance of cultivating her real chi, meaning she had not yet touched the real chi, mai, or kundalini phenomenon. Thus, we have a typical beginner's practice report which shows some of the initial results from transformations within...
(#) Lucid Dreams - Lucid Dreams - (known as "The Original Potent Lucid Dreaming Supplement" - Synergistic blend of vitamins and herbs which can positively affect dream's vividness, reflected self awareness, meaning, clarity, duration and recollection - available at: Amazon.com) (#) Kal - ...
of “matrix,” or “metric,” because the fundamental meaning of the root mā is to “measure,” and so it works in this sort of way. I was talking about our world being wiggly. You know, something like this [Watts draws a wiggly line; see fig. 1]. That is the typical sort of...
Many of our leaders in each order of ministry are struggling to regather a sense of meaning and creative vision amid the pressures of antiquated (even damaging) ways of being Church. Financial concerns, changes in attendance patterns, unrealistic expectations within limited resources, and aging infr...