spirit, soul” andlogiameaning“study of.” Therefore,the original meaning of psychology was thestudy of the soul.That definition is a far cry from the secularized clinical mind-centered psychology of this modern world!
Do you see the repeating angel number 333? Find out the symbolism and spiritual meaning of 333 and what this means to you and your life.
Each individual on the path of spiritual development will need to discern between these forces of closed source parasiticEntropyor open sourcedNegentropy, and make a committed decision to move towards spiritual purpose and those things that multiply and circulate an abundance of life force energy. Th...
0000 Angel Number Meaning: Final Thoughts In conclusion, angel number 0000 is a powerful and encouraging message from the divine realm.It has a deep spiritual meaning associated with changes, infinite potential, and the divine presence in your life. Angel numbers, including 0000, usually carry pos...
The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy Solve et coagula: Dissolve and coagulate. –Alchemist saying The Latin expression“solve et coagula”is derived from“solve,”meaning to break down and separate, while“coagula”describes the process of bringing elements back together (coagulating) into a new, hig...
Darkness has taken on a new significance for me personally in recent years. I was diagnosed ten years ago with peripheral neuropathy which causes numbness in my feet and legs, meaning my sense of balance leaves a lot to be desired.
It’s true that Grant Genereux, the Canadian construction engineer, while he was in his 50s, reversed his stage 4 kidney disease completely on a super low “vitamin” A diet (meaning he avoided foods high in “vitamin” A). I discussed Grant’s experience in a previous blog post here, ...
For, in the words of Victor Frankl, "There are more and more who have the means to live and less and less who have meaning to live for." The modern fable that is Act One of this book is about a man who has been stuck (as so many of us are) at levels two and three. 11 ...
Spiritual longing, and that deep sense of meaning and purpose that having a spiritual path can bring, are physical as well as emotional and spiritual phenomena. Body and Soul There is no universally agreed-upon definition of the human soul. Every tradition (and many individuals) defines this ...
Tiie an there Avill bo no demolition of life, either of nor man can seo its fml meaning, but ultimate a ship upon a mighty sea, tossed and torn, with quish, the spirit forever longs for in a spiritual cient thought of angels d^cending to the earth beast, ordrird, or man. ...