I'm sure at one stage to arrive you noticed a feather on the floor and wondered what it means. How did that get there? After my grandad died I would find a number of feathers in strange places. The feather definitely put a smile on my face made me feel e
It’s important to note that these are just a few common interpretations of feather colors, and the meaning of a feather may vary depending on the context and the individual’s personal beliefs and experiences. Different bird feathers and colors carry specific spiritual meanings that can be used...
What Is The Meaning Of A Dove Crossing Your Path? A dove that crosses your path, either by flying or walking, is the sign of a peacekeeper. You are invited to see a conflict from all sides from a place of neutrality and acceptance. This is a great time to set your normal beliefs as...
The number 11 is seen as a powerful master number that signifies spiritual growth and intuition, while the number 13 is often associated with transformation and rebirth. Search for: Birthday Numbers Meaning & Symbolism Numbers Spiritual Meanings & Symbols ...
Spiritual Meaning and Guidance In many cultures, geese link with spiritual meanings and guidance. They have a connection to shamanic practices, dream interpretation, and the power of feather symbolism. The geese’s migratory patterns, their V-formation, and their ability to navigate long distances ...
It is common to come across a blue jay feather during moments of contemplation or when seeking guidance in life. However, if you find this type of feather unexpectedly, it likely holds a significant meaning. Discovering a blue jay feather is… Read More Finding a Blue Jay Feather Meaning &...
We’ve spoken with a diverse group of spiritual teachers; some are bloggers, some are authors, and all of them have a unique take on the meaning of spirituality. We asked them the following question: “What three tips would you give for someone learning how to become more spiritual in the...
I was diagnosed ten years ago with peripheral neuropathy which causes numbness in my feet and legs, meaning my sense of balance leaves a lot to be desired. My physical therapist has taught me some things that help in coping with my impaired balance. There are basically two senses that send...
“By living according to the dictates of the soul the brain may at last be made porous to the soul’s recollections; if the contrary sort of a life is led, then more and more will clouds obscure that reminiscence.” H. P. Blavatsky inThe Voice of the Silence,has an even simpler formu...
Remember that birds of a feather, flock together when socializing in co-creative ways with like minded folks that reflects the power of the community. This time of year is great for getting out and about and socializing with folks. Energetically, this is a good time to meditate on walking ...