First, a set of five items capturing divine, interpersonal, moral, doubt, and ultimate meaning struggles was identified from existing datasets in which the original version of Exline et al.’s (2014) was utilized. Focusing on 711 participants in the first study who exceeded the clinical cutoff...
of spiritual health. The attributes of this concept include a morality-oriented intellectual connectedness with the self, others, and the universe guided by a connection with the Transcendent and Superior being in order to create meaning in life and find its purpose in the context of culture and...
As wedo so, we contribute to a world where the light of spiritual liberation shines bright, guiding us towards a life of meaning, purpose, and true freedom. May we always remain attuned to the effervescent beats of spiritual liberation and let them lead us towards a life of spiritual ...
Meaning making - Invite someone to reminisce – Encourage self –reflection Establish Rapport and connectedness - Provide hospitality – Offer support Sense of Peace - Pray for healing – Exploring hope The taxonomy and palliative care Previous studies in spirituality and palliative care have foresh...