Discussions about Crystals and Gemstones, their meaning and uses my vivianite broke in my hand byFairyCrystal Yesterday11:10 AM 3,41035,188 Death & The Afterlife(25 Viewing) Discussions about death, the after life, heaven etc. Common Questions About The... ...
This shows the importance of a leader's role in encouraging extra-role behavior among individuals in the organization. This research shows that leaders who develop an effective vision can give individuals a sense of calling and find meaning in life and create a different life. The process to ...
The questionnaire has three subscales measuring individual aspects of spiritual well-being: peace, meaning, and faith. The total score for spiritual well-being was calculated by summing the scores of each of the three subscales. In cases where individual items are skipped, subscale scores can be...
Human behavior during COVID-19 has led to the study of attitude and preferences among the population in different circumstances. In this sense, studying human behavior can contribute to creating policies for integral education, which should consider the