Discussions about Crystals and Gemstones, their meaning and uses What crystals are you... byStrandedSnowMonkey 06-01-202509:27 PM 3,40935,187 Death & The Afterlife(5 Viewing) Discussions about death, the after life, heaven etc. Would we have any reason to... ...
(a disposition to experience spirituality, manifested in the embracement of the nature of things in the transcendent and final perspective, in moral sensitivity, and the ability to find meaning in paradoxical and limiting situations), spiritual sensitivity components and subjective quality of life (a ...
According to context “making way for deceit and false” which we can understand meaning ofall of this is renunciation from wisdom and knowledge. Abai, in our opinion, wanted to express this thought “a person suffers from the shortage of wisdom and knowledge”. And Socrates’ thought is cont...
It would have the meaning of “grasping and binding” (shōbaku 攝縛) all the evil spirits. Incidentally, the method of genja is said to be the method of āveśa. This gives the miraculous power of knowing everything of the Three Times. One should further ponder about this. Thus, ...
Even though atheists may experience lower levels of moral struggles than theists, tensions and conflicts about living up to one's higher moral code can lead to guilt and sadness among atheists, as they do among believers. Atheists can also experience ultimate meaning struggles. In the USA,...