Discussions about Crystals and Gemstones, their meaning and uses Lemon Calcite Freeform byFairyCrystal Yesterday10:22 AM 3,41135,195 Death & The Afterlife(12 Viewing) Discussions about death, the after life, heaven etc. Is there any explanation as... ...
First, it seems important that chaplains do not simply abandon the notion of providing sanctuary but reassess and rethink the meaning of sanctuary as a place where desire lines may be explored. Secondly, in order to affirm the uniqueness and dignity of all people they care for, chaplains do...
The epidemic is fracturing households and communities, placing ever- increasing strain on support networks.The ways in which people make sense of this suffering and find meaning in the misfortunes afflicting them will not only affect the ways in which people cope, or fail to cope, with illness...
“spiritual health is considered as one of the important dimensions of wellness [5]“) in the present study refers to “the state of an individual’s affirmation of the meaning of his or her own life; understanding and affirmation of the value of oneself, others, and the environment; the ...
of life.”73 Other covariant studies reported different relationships, which cannot be amalgamated and must be listed individually: spirituality is more likely to be identified as an important source of “meaning in life” for palliative care patients compared with a representative sample of the ...
These were all topics that were greatly interesting to me and I feel like the class improved my understanding of the way in which many communities operate. It also taught me the correct meaning of many terms that I thought I knew what they meant, but I had heard them used incorrectly so...
Drescher's conversations with these Nones reveal central concerns with authenticity as they "narrate" their selves, profound ethics of care and cosmopolitanism, and commitments (even by non-believers) to concepts of transcendence, salvation, and eternity to make sense and meaning of human life. ...
2002. “Towards Clarification of the Meaning of Spirituality.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 39 (5): 500–509.CrossRef Taylor, Simon. 2001. “The Cult of Saint Fillan in Scotland.” In The North Sea World in the Middle Ages: Studies in the Cultural History of North-Western Europe, edited...
change and ensuing social tensionsdue to wartime industrialisation,20the revolutionary formation of workers’andsoldiers’councils and the declaration of the Republic of Councils at Munich,where also a separation from Berlin–meaning independence from the newly pro-claimed Weimar Republic–was on the ...