Spiritual Meaning1212 Mirror HourLove & RelationshipsTwin FlameMoney & Career1212 When Thinking of Someone1212 While Manifesting or Praying1212 ManifestationPregnancy1212 When Depressed or Sad1212 In Gypsy TarotDeathCould It Be A Warning Sign?Biblical MeaningIn Islam What’s meant for you will find yo...
“equally religious and spiritual” or as “more spiritual than religious.” The majority of respondents in our sample self-identify as “more spiritual” whether they report affiliation with a religious tradition or not. In Germany, most “more spirituals” report “no religion,” while in the...
implications for both religious and nonreligious individuals due to variable notions and expressions of how humans perceive their own essence and conceive of meaning-making (Peerawong et al.,2019; Weiss,2019). Several studies have revealed that traumatic experiences might significantly contribute to ex...
The Meaning of “You Attract What You Are” How To Manifest Money Using The Law of Attraction Law of Vibration How to Raise your Vibration? Signs of High and Low Vibration Signs of Negative Energy 12 Laws of the Universe Signs From the Universe The Spirituality of Body Symptoms Right Ear R...
Tanji, Teruyoshi (2000): “On Samāropa: Probing the Relationship of the Buddha’s Silence and His Teaching”. In:Wisdom, Compassion, and the Search for Understanding: The Buddhist Studies Legacy of Gadjin M. Nagao. Edited by Jonathan A. Silk. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 347–...
Chapter 11 28 The Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 11:17 And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. 1 Nephi 11:18 And he said unto me: Behold, the virgin whom thou seest is the mother of the Son of God, after ...
(2005) Spirituality: A Glowing and Useful Term in Search of a Meaning. Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying, 53(l):5–26. Google Scholar Brown, M. (1998) The Spiritual Tourist. London: Bloomsbury. Google Scholar Bull, A. (2006) ‘Is a Trip to the Seaside a Spiritual Journey?
Chamberlain, K., & Zika, S. (1988). Religiosity, life meaning and well-being: Some relationships in a sample of women.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion,27(3), 411–420. Google Scholar Chau, L. L., Johnson, R. C., Bowers, J. K., Darvill, T. J., & Danko, G. P...
Spiritual health is a dynamic state of being, shown by the extent to which people live in harmony within relationships in the following domains of spiritual well-being: Personal domain – wherein one intra-relates with oneself with regards to meaning, purpose and values in life. Self-awareness...
Spirituality is an inherent characteristic of people and a potent source of healing. The spiritual dimension provides meaning to the relationship with God, oneself, and the surrounding world [22]. Spiritual well-being significantly influences reducing the risk of health issues in the present and ...