ABSTRACT: This screening survey of college students found that 59% of the 105 respondents indicated that they had experienced a psychic and/or transcendent/spiritual experience. Those reporting these anomalous experiences tended to have a greater overall sense of meaning in life. Among different factor...
American Journal of Health Promotion, 1, 38–41. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Chapman, L. (1987). Developing a useful perspectine on spiritual health: Wellbeing, spiritual potential and the search for meaning. American Journal for Health Promotion, 1, 31–39. Article CAS Google ...
If it is described according to its contents, then that is the true meaning of culture in the Bugineese-Makassarese people. Mattulada explained that panngadakang, which is the essence of Bugineese- Makassarese culture, consists of five elements that work together as a fully integrated system....
It was determined that individuals' spiritual well-being and fear of COVID-19 mean scores were moderate, while meaning, peace, and faith sub-dimension domains were above the moderate level. In addition, it was indicated that the psychological and social fear levels of ...
B. (2011). Pain, spirituality, and meaning making: What can we learn from the literature? Religions, 2(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel2010001 (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in a new window)Google Scholar Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a useful ...
We at Heaven On Earth pay close attention and honor a strict guideline to what we call “the power of proper timing,” meaning we create all items in accordance with astrological alignment and give “charge” during the appropriate moon cycle, planetary day as well as planetary hour. Read ...
Religious Cognitions and Well-Being: A Meaning Perspective Chapter© 2017 References Ahmed, A. M. (2009). Are religious people more prosocial? A quasi-experimental study with madrasah pupils in a rural community in India.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion,48(2), 368–374. ...
meaning of the proverbial Jacob's Ladder? We can observe Jacob in a state of sleep, that denotes a level of lesser earthly organic (carnal) consciousness. On each step there appears to be an Angel that represents the Natural Laws that man must wrestle with, as he arises in consciousness....
The spiritual dimension provides meaning to the relationship with God, oneself, and the surrounding world [22]. Spiritual well-being significantly influences reducing the risk of health issues in the present and beyond [23]. Distress tolerance has an effect on improving the health behavior of ...
meaning, purpose, divine, higher power, higher self, veil of illusion/Maya, honor, love, truth, faith, mystical, intuition, beliefs, values, habits, practices, shame, guilt, suffering, attachment, religion, spirituality, religiousness/religiosity, religious identity, spiritual attitude, brain functio...