摘要: Wilfred McSherry's book works on two levels. It is a fine example of how to research a subject as ethereal as spirituality. It is also a useful text on spirituality as an exciting component of care for patients and their families....
Adolescents reported high rates of religious attendance and belief in God, prayed often, and had high levels of spirituality (eg, finding meaning/peace in their lives and deriving comfort from faith). Thirty-five percent of adolescents reported praying once or more a day for symptom management. ...
This article examines spirituality and meaning in the experience of dementia of older Latvian residents, using in-depth interviews and small group work, based on a model of spiritual tasks of ageing. Data were analyzed using grounded theory and NVIVO7 computer package for qualitative data analysis...
This refers to “the sense of well-being that we experience when we find purposes to commit ourselves to which involve ultimate meaning for life” (Ellison, 1983, p. 330). Since this feeling relates to the non-physical dimension of consciousness and experience, it has been called spiritual....
of spiritual health. The attributes of this concept include a morality-oriented intellectual connectedness with the self, others, and the universe guided by a connection with the Transcendent and Superior being in order to create meaning in life and find its purpose in the context of culture and...
作者: LW Fry 摘要: Spiritual Leadership; Leadership; Public Administration; Workplace Spirituality; Public Service Given an environment of seemingly unending crisis, the search for new models for effective leadership in... DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_2353-1 年份: 2016 收藏...
For example, one of the Japanese studies aimed to explore the patients’ experiences of distress associated with spirituality: “… that is, with their feelings about the meaning and aim of life in this situation in which their personal existence was threatened.”102 However, the word spiritual ...
As identified by Smith and Dunkley (2018: 307), from an assemblage viewpoint these actors ‘acquire their identity, form and meaning through their relations, but also … [the] assemblage represents more than the agencies of its elements.’ This approach gets closer to the hybridity of ...
American Journal of Health Promotion, 1, 38–41. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Chapman, L. (1987). Developing a useful perspectine on spiritual health: Wellbeing, spiritual potential and the search for meaning. American Journal for Health Promotion, 1, 31–39. Article CAS Google ...
However, studies have demonstrated that social support and spiritual resources can be used as coping mechanisms for negative emotions [21], and both of them have a common effect [22]. Spirituality is the dynamic and inner aspect of human nature through which one seeks ultimate meaning, purpose ...