Existential-phenomenological methodology explored the meaning and experience of profound sexual and spiritual encounters described by five men and five women who were practicing Christians. Through qualitative analysis of these mysterious experiences, eleven common themes that portrayed the wonder, e...
Lemuria, Pleiadians,and the beautiful females of 🌎  This is dedicated to all you beautiful females . Does Lemuria exist? Scientist using the Kepple Telescope, have found in our habitual Galaxy 11 billion possible planets that are like ours.. meaning one,s that could have similar life ...
Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution. —Deepak Chopra 75 The quickest way to change your attitude...
World Economic Forum, “Global Gender Gap Report”; China’s gender imbalance has grown steadily worse since the imposition of the one-child policy. According to the 2018 World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report, China’s sex ratio at birth is 0.87 (female/male), meaning that there are...
The items asked students to identify at what level they think it is important to:“feel that your life has meaning or purpose”; “experience joy (pleasure, happiness) in life” (connections to self); “be kind to other people”; “be forgiving of others” (connections to others); “...
experience – considered a short-term outcome; spiritual well-being, something that occurs over the longer term; and the use of leisure for coping with issues (e.g. job change, cancer) that can raise spiritual questions (e.g. meaning of life). Spiritual well-being is delineated in ...
This shows the importance of a leader's role in encouraging extra-role behavior among individuals in the organization. This research shows that leaders who develop an effective vision can give individuals a sense of calling and find meaning in life and create a different life. The process to ...
https://heavenawaits.wordpress.com/armor-of-god-prayer/ – I believe powers of darkness will manifest more in the coming days, weeks and months. They will become more visible, manifesting in many ways. Why? "But you must know this: in the last days perilous times shall come" (2 Tim....
[47] described the following specific attributes of spiritual care: "healing presence, therapeutic use of self, intuitive sense, exploration of the spiritual perspective, patient-centeredness, meaning-centred therapeutic intervention, and creation of a spiritually nurturing environment" ([47], p. 211)...
(2005) Spirituality: A Glowing and Useful Term in Search of a Meaning. Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying, 53(l):5–26. Google Scholar Brown, M. (1998) The Spiritual Tourist. London: Bloomsbury. Google Scholar Bull, A. (2006) ‘Is a Trip to the Seaside a Spiritual Journey?