Do you see the repeating angel number 333? Find out the symbolism and spiritual meaning of 333 and what this means to you and your life.
In this paper we analyzed the role of religion in the models of the communicative competence. We examined the meaning of the concept "spirituality" and found out that its content depends on the point of view: religious or secular. In the secular interpretation, spirituality is related to the ...
While I agree that these various phenomena should not be labeled with a single term, I am puzzled to note that Fiscella does not reflect on rich contemporary debates about the meaning of spirituality, and in fact does not even attempt to consider whether it is possible to ascribe a positive...
This study examines the religious/spiritual referral patterns in hospice and palliative care. Religion and death are two highly intersected topics and albeit often discussed together in hospice and palliative care, little is known about how professionals respond to religious/spiritual needs of patients/...
109. “Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning.”– Sai Baba 110. “On a spiritual journey, we all have the same destination.”– A. R. Rahman 111. “We can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.”–...
The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart —Rumi 80 Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evoluti...
Nowhere is wisdom more necessary than in the guidance of charitable impulses. Meaning well is only half our duty; Thinking right is the other, and equally important, half. —Samuel Gridley Howe 71 In the face of this once-in-a-century test that is crucial to the future of humanity, the...
Spirituality might be considered within the context of a specific religion, it might be expressed as a profound and personal relationship with God / higher being, or it might have a more secular meaning for the ways in which it is associated with nature, arts, music, family, and community ...
of Perception.The categories were unveiled: "Spirituality as a foundation for life"; "Spiritual needs sublimated by the family caregiver"; and "Care expected by the nurse".Family caregivers appropriate spirituality as a coping strategy and meeting the purpose and meaning of the moment experienced. ...
Chu, S. T. W., & Mak, W. W. (2020). How mindfulness enhances meaning in life: A meta-analysis of correlational studies and randomized controlled trials.Mindfulness,11, 177–193. ArticleGoogle Scholar ...