The meaning of SPIRITUAL BOUQUET is a card notifying the recipient of a number of devotional acts performed by a Roman Catholic on behalf of a person on special occasions (such as name days or anniversaries) or for the soul of someone recently deceased e
She found herself at a crossroads, faced with a challenging decision that could greattly impact the future endeavors of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Order she had founded just over a decade earlier. When she and her nuns had arrived in New York from Italy in Ma...
The joy and meaning I’ve found in being able to work alongside and play a small role in what Love Justice is doing have been immeasurable. Simply put, God is using this ministry to bring more of His Kingdom here on earth—to destroy injustice and usher in freedom for the oppressed. ...
The pursuit of meaning (peace, quality, relationships) This book is written for those interested in level four. At level two or three, one might be well advised to read a more typical self-help book on motivation or methods, on techniques or time management. While there are methods and ...
In this guide, I’m going to explore the meaning of 222 in the context of the spiritual journey. While repeated numbers are usually associated with angels (aka., ‘angel numbers’), I’m taking a different, more psychospiritual approach for those who want a bit more of a down-to-earth...
The Meaning of Detachment By Margaret Silf Silf explains how the First Principle and Foundation came to life for her when she was looking at a fuchsia bush. The Colloquy By Kevin O’Brien, SJ A colloquy is an intimate conversation between you and God the Father, between you and Jesus, or...
Lastly, intra-personal struggles may emerge from doubting core doctrines or teachings from one’s S/R, not living congruently with perceived moral standards, or a painful void of ultimate meaning about the deeper purpose of life in general and/or the significance of one’s life in particular....
If you’re following the Love Your Liver Program, the above foods aren’t going to be too much of a problem for you. But if you’re still eating like a normie who believes in the food pyramid, my plate, or whatever the government food program is these days, all I can say is watch...
While others are busy reconnecting with their meaning of life, you can barely function in a job or even get out of bed to shower. While others feel a deeper sense of peace and alignment, you feel like you’re on the verge of going crazy or being sucked into the black hole forever. ...
We enjoyed taking part in the purification ceremony and it was interesting to find out the meaning of each element, and the temple (pura meningan was quiet and beautiful. The vegetarian meal included was really tasty and one of my favourite meals of the 3 week trip. Af...