Aims and Objectives: (1) The present study was planned to assess the spiritual health status of undergraduate medical students of Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Burla, by use of the Spiritual Health Assessment Scale (SHAS) an...
The Spiritual Well-Being Scale is a general indicator of perceived well-being which may be used for the assessment of both individual and congregational spiritual well-being. It provides an overall measure of the perception of spiritual quality of life, as well as subscale scores for Religious an...
This paper explores current understanding on spiritual dimensions of health via Thomas Kuhn's notion of scientific paradigm. It suggests that the difficulties to include spirituality as a component in health impact assessment scheme are due to the conflicts between two underlying paradigms. Mainstream sc...
(1996). Focus on spiritual well-being: Harmonious interconnectedness of mind-body-spirit—Use of the JAREL spiritual well-being scale: Assessment of spiritual well-being is essential to the health of individuals. Geriatric Nursing, 17, 262–266. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Johnson, B. ...
Given this context, we examined the internal structure of spiritual well-being in the sample of present-day Polish Catholics (Study 1) and how spiritual well-being is related to mental health (Study 2). The internal structure of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale was replicated in the Polish ...
However, based on the original theoretical concept that would also support a composite measure of spiritual health, we also combined the 8 items into a single multi-dimensional scale, for exploratory purposes only (N.B., please see the discussion section surrounding our planned use of this scale...
2010. Spiritual Assessment in Healthcare Practice Chaplains in healthcare settings offer patients spiritual care that involves companionship, counselling and maintaining hope. This is particularly important at the point where a patient has run out of treatment possibilities. This book r... Nolan,Steve...
The researchers conducted interviews to collect sociodemographic, economic, religious, and health data and applied the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) and the WHO quality of life assessment (WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-OLD). Results:: Most of the older adults attained a moderate level of total ...
This approach allowed for drawing conclusions about the validity of the self-developed InSPiRe Assessment Scale (see Statistical analysis and Cognitive assessment outcomes sections). Learning intervention: completing the web-based learning module Between the pre-and post-tests, we gave participants 45 ...
Although spirituality plays a central role in health and wellness for many Native Americans, surprisingly few spiritual assessment tools have been validated with this population. This mixed-method study modifies an existing spiritual assessment tool—spiritual histories—that may be particularly congruent wi...