Spanish / Español Select a language: espiritual spiritual [ˈspɪrɪtjʊəl] A.ADJ→espiritual B.N(Mus) →canciónfreligiosa Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993...
After it was agreed, they obtained a Royal House, between Muyna and Quepicancha, in a pleasant place with all the gifts, fields, gardens and other royal amusements for hunting and fishing. The house was built close to the Yucay river.." Angles assumes that the place identified by ...
Need Ideas for Easy Handmade Gifts? From aprons in several styles, to secret treasures books, to an oilcloth receipt wallet, we've compiled a list of11 Easy Handmade Giftsthat your recipient should love. These were selected both for the ease of creating them as well as for gifts that have...
* How to awaken your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts. * How to heal ego blockages that have prevented clear intuition. * How to experience the divine presence and receive clear intuition anytime you want, at will. Susan Shumsky uses her seasoned background to answer the ...
During these cherished recreation times, she would bring them small gifts of fruit, candy, cake, or cookies—tailored to each Sister’s preference—as they gathered around her affectionately. On December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, she asked the Sisters to write verses about the...
I had lunch yesterday with another friend who also studied for the ministry at GTU, and we talked about our thwarted ministerial gifts. She is teaching elementary school, and she feels that it serves as a good outlet for what she wanted to offer as a minister: love, support of good value...
Francis’s compassionate work included caring, serving, and living among lepers, who were outcasts. According to Father Tom, Francis had a “great sense of joy, and would laugh, sing, and dance,” and saw the earth and its creatures and people as great gifts, to be treated with kindness...
The swinging or sliding door, which is made entirely of glass, is provided with a door closer. The door closer is enclosed in a housing (6) which is attached to the guide rail (2) which is fixed to the ceiling (1). The frame (5) of the housing (6) has a lug (...
In summary: more than anything else its action to bring brightness and light through duringcrystal meditationmakes it a powerful aid in your life. Through its action to stimulate psychic gifts, including the ability to see brighter more powerful visions, your Spiritual growth may be enhanced. ...
I have a dear friend who is crazy about llamas. So, I startedscouring Etsy for llama giftsto find that perfect present that she would just swoon over. I was pleasantly surprised at how the llama has soared in popularity. Such cute and essential stuff is associated with this lovely creature...