The best explanations of the reincarnation process and why it happens that I came across was by someone called Meher Baba. I found that understanding something of the reincarnation process stopped death from being a finality. I see it now as a transition we have done many times. I also found...
1842 Grimes Phrenological Chart And Outlines Of Grimes New System 1842 Halliwell The Private Diary Of Dr John Dee 1842 Miller True Inheritance Of The Saints 1842 Miller Cleansing Of The Sanctuary 1842 Miller Evidence Of The Second Coming Of Christ 1842 Newnham Reciprocal Influence Of Body And Mind...
Of course, we must do certain things from our side to open up our mind to receive these precious gifts, but by nature, our future realizations of the stages of the path are actually by nature aspects of our Yidam’s mind. His aspect of Daka functions to be our constant companion. In ...