—“What gift that I received this year (no matter the occasion) continue to bring me enjoyment?” Place these “Treasured Gift” papers in a small basket or shoebox and place it on or near the dining table. During the first course, invite someone to pick an index card at random from ...
The Andersons have long promoted the idea of spiritual connections between people and animals. In the ‘90s, they created an “Angel Animals” newsletter that compiled stories people related of their experiences with animals. They obtained stories by posting fliers at stores like Cub Foods and fro...
Trip Advisor ReviewsJelila is a genuine healer you can trust, who sings your soul to harmony– she has a ‘remarkable gift’ to sing healing with her ‘beautiful, pure sound healing voice’, and creates ‘amazing transformation with her ‘powerful’ unique harmonising method The Reprogramming, ...
Contact. Reviews.. Packages Get my book The Gift of Harmony and get clear on what is really going on inside of you – and get your life going the way you want. Jelila is a well-known Singing Sound Healer – an International Healer who Blossoms Hearts Desires through a range of life-...