Paul emphasizes that readiness is not passive but requires active engagement in spiritual disciplines and reliance on God's strength.Watchfulness and PrayerPrayer is a critical component of spiritual readiness. In 1 Peter 4:7 , believers are exhorted, "The end of all things is near. Therefore ...
Deeply committed to the eternal nature of all religious and spiritual disciplines, Ramakrishna studied Christianity for three days, during which he saw himself merge with Jesus. When he adopted Islam for three days,he experienced himself joining with Mohammad. When he embraced a new tradition or re...
Spiritual Disciplines Pathway to Christian Maturity 热度: Spiritual Diary 热度: CoreSeminar HowtoGrow Class9:Serving ___ Welcome Thisweek,wewanttothinkabouthowwecancultivatethespiritualdisciplineofservinginourlives. Introduction Tostartusoff,itishelpfultofirstconsiderwhatChristianserviceis.Adefinition...
Tears started to flow, as I had the spirit again come over me as if I had insinuated my God, and all He has done for me and our small church, is not enough. Hannah was given a “worthy portion” or a “double portion” and Elkanah’s unwavering affection and devotion. While this ...
We prepare ourselves through time-tested spiritual disciplines such as solitude, detachment–or the traditional evangelical counsels, poverty, chastity, obedience. If we care to know God we must care enough to discipline ourselves. Solitude does not mean being alone in the vast unknown with the gre...
(Matt 5:48). So this message was interpreted in their limited three-dimensional thinking as belief in the godly man Jesus -- which further evolved into mere belief in the God, Jesus. And because they did not understand the allegorical symbols of the scriptures -- i.e., in the above ...