Spiritual discipline makes us spiritually fit. It's in the Bible, I Timothy 4:7-8, TLB. "Don't waste time arguing over foolish ideas and silly myths and legends. Spend your time and energy in the exercise of keeping spiritually fit. Bodily exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise ...
To win the battle of the blankets, you have to get out of bed in the morning even though you're tired. That's not easy! The devil will exaggerate how tired you are. This lack of discipline can have disastrous effects. The Bible says in Proverbs, "For lack of discipline they will d...
Romans Bible Study Series - Romans 6:11-End. 讲道编号 81424202505895 期间 34:59 日期 Aug 13, 2024 类别 圣经学习;圣经讨论 圣经文本 使徒保羅與羅馬輩書 6:11-23 语言 英语 #spiritual #Disciplines #Discipline #body #as #members #of #instruments #unto #righteousness #servan...
For centuries God's people have engaged in practices that have proved vital for the Christian life. We call this 'spiritual discipline', and it is no less important today. Throughout the Bible there is a call for people to enter into a relationship with God, where our lives are shaped ...
Lesson Objective: Children will learn about the spiritual discipline of reading the Bible. Introduction: Begin the lesson by reading the key verse to the children. For older elementary, encourage a volunteer to read this verse to the group. ...
December 5, 2024, posted inAdvent,spiritual discipline Jesus said we are the light of the world, and to not hide that light under a basket. On this second Sunday of Advent we celebrate the light of Christ, of which we are a mere reflection. Oh, there is plenty of darkness around us:...
The discipline of fasting dates to ancient times, is common to nearly every religion in the world (as well as philosophical systems like Stoicism), and is mentioned in the Bible more times than baptism. There’s a reason for this prevalence and universality. ...
Read Is Repentance the Missing Spiritual Discipline in Your Life? by Britnee Bradshaw. Christian women faith articles, encouragement, growth.
The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2007. Dubay, Thomas. Authenticity: A Biblical Theology of Discernment. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1997. MacArthur, John. Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong. Eugene: Harvest House Publishers, 2009. Photo credit: ©Getty ...
“Unfortunately, in our time, even among Christians, discernment is long in demand and short in supply. This is but one reason I’m so delighted to commend to you The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. Tim Challies reminds us that the Bible commands us to cultivate discernment, but ...