BiblePortal Staff, Oct 1, 2022 Spiritual death – what is it? Death, according to dictionary definitions, is a cessation of vital functions or a lack of life. Spiritual death is our natural state prior to accepting Christ as our savior (Ephesians 2:1; Colossians 2:13). It is a lack ...
Forced into the most dangerous and grueling jobs – the only work available to them, which other immigrant groups, such as the Irish, had moved on from – many Italians faced frequent injuries, permanent disabilities, and even death. Their children ran wild in the streets, with some resorting...
Toxins in the liver are okay, but those same toxins in the bloodstream, brain or heart wreak havoc, damage vital organs, and can cause death. (This is why some people die from the flu, which is the liver trying to get rid of a lot of toxins in a bile dump: too many toxins in t...
Answers to your questions on the Bible, its language, its history, and its doctrines. This week: Communion, kenosis, our Lord's spiritual death on the cross, the shroud of Turin, the tomb and the manger. **Please check out the wonderful, new re-mastering of MP3 files now in process ...
For Christ will have no discharged soldiers, except those who have overcome death itself. . . .For whom the Lord loveth. The reasoning of this verse seems rather shaky. The Lord afflicts the elect and the reprobate without distinction, and his scourges are evidence of his wrath ...
The punishment for breaking the Law is death, separation from God. Therefore, we sinners need a way to escape the righteous judgment of God. Since we are stained by sin and cannot keep the Law of God, then the only one who could do what we cannot is God Himself. That is why Jesus ...
I have not lost my mom to death even though I watched her breathe her last breath. The pain of knowing I can’t call her, visit her any longer is horrific. However, I know she is in Heaven where there is no more suffering to be had. I can only imagine how wonderful it is for ...
Many of us may have experienced near death experiences, sudden and terrible illness, or holding loved ones who were at the brink of heaven. And yet God intervened to keep us here longer. There’s many stories in the Bible of God’s people under great physical attack and danger, and so ...
he dismissed the rules and helped the people. His priority was always people and individual needs. Picking grain on the Sabbath, healing on the Sabbath, coming in contact with a leper and woman with issues of blood, rescuing a woman from her penalty of being stoned to death for adultery ar...
It begs God to have mercy on his people, since it is well-known that He does not want the death of sinners but rather their repentance. By listening to this mass, the people were showing their willingness to repent their sins and to do penance. Pope Clement VI conceded indulgences for...