Saving God's / 'our churches'... byone-light Today04:45 PM 2,42783,310 Hinduism(5 Viewing) Discussions on Hinduism A story of surrender byMiss Hepburn Today07:13 PM 70410,097 Islam Faith(1 Viewing) Islam Faith - Spiritual Matters ...
"Then people brought little children to him, for him to lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples scolded them, but Jesus said, 'Let the little children alone, and do not stop them from coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of Heaven belongs.' Then he la...
and in the Church of England and other Anglican Communion churches with a Lesser Festival on the same date, ensuring that her spirit and contributions to faith and community remain vibrant and honored across the world.
Join me in a continuing dialogue oneverydayChristian spirituality,spiritual formation and transformation,spiritual direction,theology,Christian education,biomedical ethics,Star Trek,postmodernparentingandscience fiction.I enjoy reading and watchingmovies.Iwriteandpreachin churches,speakin conferences and leadretreats...
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“Churches: look for pastors who are interchangeable in the best sense of the word. When they’re done, another faithful pastor can take their place. Look for someone who is committed to working with other leaders and serving in private, not just in public.” ...
Rev 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. The new man who stands on faith abides in the fire and is never hurt. Dan 3:24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied, and rose up ...
There are two Churches honoring the martyrs. One is inAuriesville, New Yorkand the other isThe Martyrs’ Shrine is located in Midland, Ontario,near the site of their missionary work among the Huron (Wendat) people. Sources:
It should make us beg the question, what if pastors and their churches were living out these kinds of lives? Genuinely loving other people well and dramatically impacting the communities around them — in a sense breathing new life into tired and weary people. If Peter Marshall is any indicat...
Hospitals and churches are places of healing. We’re not perfect – just forgiven! God will fix everything when Jesus returns. Finally, Paul says, “If you want to be happy, give your troubles to God in prayer.” Then comes the blessing: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all un...