While physical alchemy is concerned with altering and transforming the properties within matter, spiritual alchemy is concerned with freeing your spiritual selfwhich is obscured within you by the unrefined parts of your ego (e.g., your fears, personal beliefs,self-loathing, etc.). When it comes ...
In fact, thanks to religious thought,the descent into our Under Worlds has been condemned as “evil” and wayward.Only Shamanic cultures and a few Western mystical schools like Hermeticism andAlchemyhave dedicated themselves to exploring the Under World. The descent into the Under World has been ...
There are, in some schools of thought, seven general stages in the alchemical process, which correspond to seven stages of individual transformation. Needless to say, as in all matters pertaining to alchemy, there is no overall consensus among alchemists or esoteric scholars as to the details of...
“As we rise in the scale of development we perceive that during the stages through which we have passed we mistook shadows for realities. and the upward progress of the Ego is a series of progressive awakenings, each advance bringing with it the idea that now, at last, we have reached ...
That ego-transcending ordeal of “self”-discipline is necessary. That ordeal is, itself, the substance of change, the alchemy of change. That ordeal is the “fire on the pot”-into which you must throw everything.The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the ...
Alchemy is all about the spiritual nature of matter. When psychic substances become earth, they take on a particular, localized form, promoting ego development and solidifying personality, connecting the ego with the Self. It is represented by the substantive reception of physical impulses via the ...
Both in Tibet and in European alchemy in the Middle Ages, signified the element of fire. With a line added, or , it was transformed into the alchemical symbol for the element of air. The alchemical symbols for the element water and the element earth . It can also be drawn The symbolt ...
The Chinese wolfberry spiritual being that transformed into a yellow dog often wandering near the alchemy furnace maybe because it was curious or it needed the medicine. “a yellow dog was wandering near the alchemy furnace and the priest was quite surprised. So, he tied the dog with a red ...
Read:7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy» 2. New doorways open You might be presented with new and unexpected opportunities for growth. In particular,synchronicities(or meaningful coincidences) will increase, and you’ll feel like you’re living ‘in the flow.’ Whatever you do seems to yield im...
happens gradually in waves. We go through layers and cycles of shedding the past and growing into our ‘new skin.’ In some rare cases, enlightenment (or union with ourTrue Nature) happens just like that. However, the awakening process is a slow and steady process ofspiritual alchemyfor the...