Brotherhood of the Snake, Bullshit Meter, Cabal, Cabal Elite, Censoring Reality, Censoring Truth, Censorship, Child Abuse, Child Rape, Child Rapists, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Torture, Child Torture and Sacrifice, Clairsentience, Clairsentient, Cloned Celebrities, Clones, Cloning, Cloning Replicant ...
Because ofprejudice and religious abuse, Queer people over time either rejected or lost the connection with their spiritual heritage. It is now time for them to look inside, do self-discovery, and reclaim their spiritual nature as priests and priestesses, prophets, teachers, artists, keepers of ...
Child Abuse, Child Rape, Child Rapists, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Torture, Child Torture and Sacrifice, Chochmah, Chosen One, Christain Zionism, Christian Zionists, Christos Templars, Cloned Celebrities, Cloned Versions, Clones, Clones / Cloning, Clones in the Matrix, Cloning, Cloning Facilities,...
Anytime the Bible/religion/spirituality, etc. is used in an “abusive” way that’s abuse. I know that sounds a bit broad and subjective, but that’s because it is. That’s simply a reality of spiritual abuse and a big part of why it’s so devastating. Spiritual abuse is highly sub...
The Scotchman was a worshiper of another kind : his bible! was the shrine in-fore which lie prostrated all his facul ties. The captain Hail enough to do to mind' the sailing of the sliip ami his log-book : ami the crew had to mind tlieir several du(ies. However, tlie ...
to suicidally depressed people. These are examples of abuse–even if what is said is a quote from the Bible, even if ‘submission’ and ‘obedience’ are in a general sense virtues. It is the twisting of good things in order to do harm that is so disturbing about this kind of abuse....
Exposing the false teachings and practices of pastoral authority and eldership rule in the local institutional church. We as Christians will not be silent. Jesus Himself rejected this false system, and so will we. Also, ABORTION: AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST.
I have known and know a few Narcissists in my life. They are also called Jezebels in the Church Arena. I have married more than one. I have worked for […] Domestic Violence and Abuse, Hurt in Church, Jezebel, Narcissism, Rejection, Spiritual warfare Are You Being Accused By Someone...
The hurt and harm of spiritual abuse is rarely inflicted upon people with the intention to wound anyone. Most spiritual abuse is inflicted by Christians who are very sincere, who believe they are obeying the Bible in sharing Christ with others, and who often believe that they are being led ...
I want to share this with you. I was sexually abused as a child and was a very confused teen who discovered that drugs and alcohol could mask my pain. Not a typical addict in the sense that when “dry”,I would fall into very deep depression that would last for months, where I wou...