因为千寻在异世界的名字叫做“千”,所以可以说是“千的神隐”或者“千寻的神隐”,综合起来就变成“千与千寻的神隐”了。 日本人把不知原因的失踪称之为“被神隐藏起来”,简称“神隐”,而“Spirited Away”也就是神隐的意思。 除了译名,《千与千寻》电影里的很多细节,都隐藏着日本文化,一起来看看你get到了没!
Haku’s Story and BuildFrom the world-famous animated film, Spirited Away, Haku is a character who accompanies the movie’s protagonist, Chihiro, after ...
My sister put that slug into Haku so she could control him.是我妹妹为了控制Haku,将虫子放到了他的身体里面。 You squashed it.被你踩扁了。 What happened to my spell?我的咒语怎么会消失呢? Only love can break it. Come, now.只有真爱才能破除,现在...
因为千寻在异世界的名字叫做“千”,所以可以说是“千的神隐”或者“千寻的神隐”,综合起来就变成“千与千寻的神隐”了。 日本人把不知原因的失踪称之为“被神隐藏起来”,简称“神隐”,而“Spirited Away”也就是神隐的意思。 转载自:译·世界 最后...
Spirited Away(2001) Romeu Costa Haku (voice) (version: Portuguese) Nothing Ever Happened(2022) Filipa Maló Franco Chihiro Ogino / Sen (voice) (version: Portuguese) Cruzamentos(1999) João Lagarto Akio Ogino (voice) (version: Portuguese) ...
My sister put that slug into Haku so she could control him.是我妹妹为了控制Haku,将虫子放到了他的身体里面。 You squashed it.被你踩扁了。 What happened to my spell?我的咒语怎么会消失呢? Only love can break it. Come, now.只有真爱才能破除,现在你过来。
Spirited Away Haku Nigihayami Kohakunushi Neat Bang Hair Green Algae Color Cosplay Wig + Wig Cap Package:1pc wig +1pc free wig cap Color:green ♢ Character:Nigihayami Kohakunushi ♢ Source:Spirited Away ▷ Care Instructions: Fibers are heat resistant, but we don't recommend heat styling ...
"Spiritedaway"isaJapanese animationmaster(动画大师)MiyazakiHayao(宫崎骏)oscar-winningmasterpiece(奥斯卡获奖作品),filmplotgenerallycanbesummarizedinoneadventure story.《千与千寻》是日本国宝动画巨匠宫崎骏勇夺奥斯卡的杰作,影片剧情大致可以概括为一个冒险故事。Maincharacters Chihiro (sen)荻野千寻 Haku(小白)Y...
Is Haku good or bad Spirited Away? In Spirited Away, every character is amix of good and bad qualities and actions. Even those who seem good at first, such as Haku and No-Face, have their share of evil qualities. By the same token, those who seem bad in the beginning, such as Zen...
因为千寻在异世界的名字叫做“千”,而在日本文化里,把不知原因的失踪称之为“被神隐藏起来”,简称“神隐”,“Spirited Away”也就是神隐的意思。 spirit away spirit/sprt/,很多人都只知道作为名词,是“灵魂;精神”等意思,但其实它还能作为动词,而动词正是: ...