Try this one for part of your school’s homecoming spirit week ideas. Take a look back through old yearbooks and other memorabilia to find inspiring moments from your school’s history. Invite alumni to come talk to students, make a slideshow of old homecoming games or other events to show ...
Traditionally, Spirit Week takes place in schools, designed to boost school spirit and as a fun event for students. Each day of Spirit Week can focus on a different theme or idea. Teachers should get involved too, and the school can be decorated to fit with the chosen theme. Let’s take...
I will start off by saying, while I deeply love Imbolc now, and have for two decades, ’twas not always so. In fact, when I was a fledgling Witchlet, back in Toronto in the 80s, I found everything about Imbolc…weird, impossible to connect with, and frustrating. Last week, in prep...
This year, I decided to join Cathy's meme 'In a Vase on Monday'. Since I don't grow many flowers in my garden, I will probably need to look beyond its boundaries for inspiration. This week, I offer a simple arrangement of the majestic Bird of Paradise, aka Strelitzia Reginae. I tri...
Last week I went up to the Rainforest Writers Village in Washington and pounded out the words. (It was lovely, the people there have become a core part of my writing family, and I feel so lucky I got to go.) The view from my cabin up in Washington. At this point, I’m very ...
Monday has long been the bane of human existence. If you follow the generally accepted calendar, Monday is day one of the “work week”, and thus the perceived dreaded bearer of bad news. Those who are more optimistic try to convince themselves that Monday has magical fairy powers to motiva...