Father, I'm praying for (name one or more) and others in my circle of family or friends to know the importance of humbling themselves. May they choose to humble themselves
為得聖靈而禱告 本網站的目的是為世界各地的牧師與傳教士提供免費宣道文稿與視頻,尤其為身處第三世界的同工,因那裡極為缺乏神學院或聖經學校。 這些宣道文稿和影視如今通過我們的網站WWW.SERMONSFORTHEWORLD.COM每年已傳至221個國家地區的150萬台個人電腦上。YouTube視頻的觀眾也不下幾百人,但他們會很快離開YouTube,...
We all know about those wicked curves. They are the detours—the disappointments, drama, and heartache—that knock us down, bring us to our knees, and sometimes keep us there, praying for courage and guidance. It is oftentimes during our darkest moments that we reach out for inspiration to ...
I am praying for you. I find the enemy is persistent in attempt to convince us we cant get free, but he lies. Be as persistent as the depression is, stand your ground and say “NO, you dont, get out of here right now. Resist the devil and he WILL flee. Get off me. Im not ...
The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself, ‘God I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even...
God makes us right with himself.34Then who can sentence us to death? No one. Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God and is also praying for us. He died. More than that, he was raised to life.35Who can separate us from Christ’s love? Can trouble or hard times or harm or hu...
The Spirit, who helps us pray in a godly manner, also prays for us as God Himself. 讲道编号 92123327215907 期间 32:05 日期 Sep 20, 2023 类别 Prayer Meeting 圣经文本 使徒保羅與羅馬輩書 8:26-27 #holy #spirit #trinity #triune #intercession #prayer #praying #help #weakness ...
Evangelism is not only declaring the word, but also earnestly praying for the salvation of unbelievers, for God to intervene and open their blind eyes and deaf ears (Acts 26:18). Both are vital! This is a spiritual battle. In a number places were are told to pray for the lost and for...
Not only does the Holy Spirit intercede for the faithful, “he also teaches us how to intercede, in turn, for our brothers and sisters,” by praying for the sick, those in prison and others, he said. “This prayer is particularly pleasing to God because it is the most gratuitous and ...
That’s what God wants for us. That tree of life. That Living Water. It’s hard work, but we canpull wrong thinking and negativity and complacency out by the roots!I’m praying for all of us. Let’s “git ‘er done”, and enjoy the view!