Arbuthnot & Pope. I felt as if I had been spirited into some castle of antiquity. Willis. Spiriting away (Law), causing to leave; the offense of inducing a witness to leave a jurisdiction so as to evade process requiring attendance at trial.Webster...
though it is contrary to the Bible. Some of my ancestors were slaveholders. Probably all of our ancestors who fought in wars raped the women when they conquered a city. The sin was "unintentional"; the culture of the time wasn't particularly aware that it was sinful. Nevertheless, even ...
and use it for your own purposes, such as even advertising, its simply wrong. It is an offense against God. Imagine walking into a church, pick a church of any kind, even the one you might attend or want to attend one day. And as you enter it you deface it, vandalize it, and sc...
The time of accounting Read Leaven and its spiritual meaning Read Do not be an offense Read Who should serve the Lord? Read Jesus in his glory Read You cannot put conditions on God’s commands Read How would you answer these questions of Jesus?
The Body and the Blood thing is almost too simple, Christ questions His disciples saying, “Do you take offense at this? Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I...
That is as egregious an offense as anything in any other religion, and that discredits the back-patting that Christians might want to engage when comparing their tradition to other religions. Important intro note: This site repeatedly employs the “evil triad” of “tribalism, domination, and ...
One of the answers church leaders have given is that the civil authorities can basically do whatever they want as long as they don’t force a Christian to sin. Something like forcing a Christian to worship an idol or get an abortion or something like that would be an offense that would ...
Paul wraps up his letter to the Galatians with instructions on restoring a fallen brother, humility, and sowing and reaping with the Spirit, rather than with the flesh, doing good, and the offense of the cross.
“Men and women among you who act as mediums or who consult the spirits of the dead must be put to death by stoning. They are guilty of a capital offense.”English Standard Version“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be ...
The traditional Mormon response to this grisly tale is to seek to justify Nephi in his murder, adopting the rationales Nephi himself gives to cover his deed: (1) Laban had sought to kill Nephi; (2) Laban would not hearken to the commands of the Lord; (3) Laban had robbed Nephi of...