The Spirit of Laws: Book 1 Chapter 1 (Part 2) 16 2021-01 10 The Spirit Of Laws:Book 1 Chapter 1(Part1) 11 2021-01 查看更多 猜你喜欢 6.9万 Spirit Dance by:宝座活泉_浸泡音乐 2万 Mind Body Spirit by:英语同传壮壮老师 1.3万
BOOK 1 On laws in general BOOK 2 On laws deriving directly from the nature of the government BOOK 3 On the principles of the three governments BOOK 4 That the laws of education should be relative to the principles of the government
The Spirit of Laws:Book 1 Chapter 3(Part 2) 3 2021-01 7 The Spirit of Laws:Book 1 Chapter 3 (Part 1) 18 2021-01 8 The Spirit of Laws: Book 1 Chapter 2 3 2021-01 9 The Spirit of Laws: Book 1 Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought(共82册), 这套丛书还有 《The Republic》《John of Salisbury》《Hobbes》《On Sovereignty》《Reflections on Violence》 等。 喜欢读"The Spirit of the Laws"的人也喜欢· ··· Persecution and the Art of Writing9.1 Hobbes...
BOOK 1 Olaws igeneral n BOOK 2 Olaws deriving directly from the nature of the government n BOOK 3 Othe principles of the three governments n BOOK 4 That the laws of educatioshould be relative to the principles of the government n
Montesquieu's "The Spirit of Laws" is an enduring classic of social and political theory deserving a fresh reading every generation. The modern reader, however, is likely to find a work that ran to over a thousand pages in its two-volume first edition a bit overwhelming. Presented here, th...
内容提示: 论法的精神(On the spirit of law) "The spirit of the laws". Before winter vacation, I read the book "the spirit of the laws". The spirit of law is the most important work of Charlie, Louis, Montesquieu, a French Enlightenment thinker in the eighteenth Century. It is ...
38 of The Great Books (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952), Book XXI, Chap. 20.Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron d e . "The Spirit of Laws." In Great Books of the Western World, vol. 38. Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc., 1952.Montesquieu, C., The Spirit of Laws. Chicago: ...
The Spirit of the Laws的短评(1)The Spirit of the Laws的书评(1) 伦理学原著导读课堂小结(三) 罔两 民主政治中的抽签选举 在《论法的精神》中,孟德斯鸠把各国政体分为了三种:共和政体、君主政体和专制政体。孟德斯鸠认为,各个政体最初的基本法律(the first fundame... 1 有用 查看全部书评...
•BookXXXI.TheoryoftheFeudalLawsamongtheFranks,intheRelationTheyBeartotheRevolutionsoftheirMonarchy Newwords •••••••••••feudal['fju:dl]a封建的,封建制度的,采邑的,封地的封建的,封建制度的,采邑的,monarchy['mɔnəki]n君主国,君主政体,君主政治君主国,君主政体,...