Nephi does every wicked act of which he accuses Laban. In short, Nephi becomes Laban. The text emphasizes this transition of identity when Nephi puts on the garments of Laban, “yea, even every whit,” including his armor (and sword). Nephi even speaks to Zoram in the voice of Laban...
However, let me caution you to use discernment to figure out if it’s really a problem with your brain, and thinking rather than a spiritual attack. Because there is a new treatment for depression, called TMS therapy and it is extremely effective. 2/3 of the people have major relief of...
We find affirmation in our Quaker tradition that being “led by the Holy Ghost into the truth and substance of the Scriptures” requires our “duly applying them to [our] own state[s]” (Nickalls, 31-32). Patricia writes: Thank you, Evan, for revisiting your ministry and going into y...
The following resources are relevant to the issue of discernment of truth "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will lead you into all truth, forever." (John 14:15-16; 16:12-14)—Epistles of Ignatius about A.D. 110, regarding authority in the early church.—Pentarchy - Christianity - ...
Shepherd. Many of you may not know this but right now in our parish, we currently have four men who are in formal discernment for the diaconate. I am sure there are others who might also be discerning a vocation to the diaconate, priesthood or religious life that we do not know about....
Christ be my faith, my prophesy, my healing, my miracles, my utterances of Wisdom and Knowledge, my discernment, my discerning of spirits, my tongues and interpretation; my gifts of the Spirit, my spiritual blessings, my fruit of the Spirit, my fruit of Light, my fruits of righteousness;...
The Holy Spirit is indeed the revealer of that which we need to know. Learn to be Holy Spirit led today!
We all admire men of judgment, and men of self-control. We want to talk to men of discernment and wisdom. But a drunk person has given all of that up. A drunk person has given up all of what gives them dignity. And what is left behind? Just the base emotions and desires. They ...
In the torments of the Lake of Fire or in Heaven with God? I Trust God Only Podcast About I Trust God Only I Trust God Only has articles and podcasts that pertain to the truth about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, spiritual growth, bible scriptures and how to trust God. All of...
Finally, Paul says we are not ‘ignorant of his devices’, we have the Holy Spirit of discernment to show us what the truth is. As I said earlier, this is purely speculative but at the same time it is something that I very much feel will happen. Now you know what ...