We often think the spiritual path is a feel-good journey – and at the beginning stages that may be true. It’s also fine to usespiritualityto affirm your self-identity and find some kind of security. But at the deeper levels, it is a journey towards freedom throughself-realization(i.e...
Some of the top performers in their game are beginning to show signs that they have "borrowed" from other directors. Perhaps they are paying homage, but perhaps there is more. Instead of walking out of a theater and saying, "WOW! I wonder why the director put that shot in there" (...
Throw away your checklist and put your ear to her heart and listen. Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing-every winged one, every furry and scaled one, every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one, every not yet born and dying one… Hear th...
The Finns had many nicknames for Otso, including The Honey Eater, Honey Paw of the Mountains, and other affectionate names like The Forest Apple, The Fur Robed Friend, and The Pride of the Thicket.15 Bears in Slavic Culture and Folklore The ancient Slavs worshipped bears. They associated ...
Signs of loved ones are everywhere. From a simple flower falling just as your eyes catch it, this petal being one that their loved one cherished; to a cloud formation in the sky; a voice or whisper; scents of perfume, cologne, pipe and cigar smoke. Some have seen birds that have never...
How to ask for, receive and recognize Spiritual Signs & Synchronicities-the Heavenly language and know what it means Techniques and ways to stay connected to the Divine – your Loved Ones in Heaven, Arch Angels & Divine Spiritual Guides to receive love, healing and guidance. How to tune int...
vehicle when it pulls into the driveway and the pitter-patter of your feet on the floor. Having strong senses is a goal every spiritual person should have. As you open your mind and psychic aptitudes, social cues become clearer, as do the warning signs of duplicitous individuals. Tune in...
and they shall prophesy.19 And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist.20 The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day.21 Then everyone who calls on...
Traveling safely on the roads.From speed limits to stop signs, rules of the road and police officers, I might have crashed and died long ago My ability to worship freely—and in a building exempt from taxes. Our government guarantees my freedom to worship — something we take for granted ...
by Emma-Jane Cross The Spring Equinox, known as Ostara (for centuries), energetically is literally one of the busiest festivals in the wheel of the year! At Imbolc we first saw the signs of life returning to the land and now here at Ostara everything’